An aside:  because of the widespread abuse of the telephone by scammers, many people now subscribe to apps on their cell phones to block unwanted calls (Robokiller, Nomorerobo, etc.). If you call a donor who is having a bad day or doesn't recognize your phone number, you run the risk of getting reported via the app, which means your number is now blocked by everyone who uses the app.

With the exception of your regular, dedicated donors, consistent follow-up driven by annual frequency preference is an excellent methodology that maintains your active donor base.

448 strategies and methodologies don't change, but our approach might, depending on the campaign... here is one example of what we mean by lead recycling.

Workflows concurrently or chronologically leverage tele-recruitment, email marketing, and text messaging. Recruitment workflows are intimately related to our recycling strategies. Workflows allow us the ability to, for example, call twice, send an email, call two more times, and then send a text message. In between each contact attempt we leverage  recycling strategies and dialing schedules.

Once a donor is eligible, we call them. We'll then try once every 8 days for five weeks, at different times and days of the week (see Dialing Schedules). If we don’t reach them, we'll "rest" their record for a period of time, typically two months, then repeat the process. If we don't reach them again over five subsequent weeks, we'll wait four-six months before trying again.

We are considerate of each Donor; what they prefer and how to honor their preferences is at the heart of our recruitment strategies and methodologies.

Simply asking a donor which communication method they prefer is an additional way to show donors your appreciation and respect. If they prefer to be called on their cell phone, call their cell. If they prefer to be emailed, send them emails. If they prefer text... well, you get the idea.

Dialing schedules combined with our recycling strategies increases our contact rates and chances of successfully connecting with donors.

This is why we monitor our phone numbers’ Caller ID Reputation. If you haven't checked all of your outbound numbers or you don't know how to do so, please give us a call to learn more about how we can help.

After cleaning your data, we  geographically segment it; and schedule donors to donate at the fixed sites and/or mobile drives that are convenient for them.This is efficient and  respectful of the donor.

We ask donors: "How many times a year would you feel comfortable donating?" If a Donor says three, we recruit them every four months. If they say two, we do so every six months.

We take geographic-segmentation one  step further by asking each donor about their location preferences the first time we speak to them. For instance, a donor may prefer to donate on their lunch break and only when you have a mobile drive in their area. Since we asked the donor, and now know this is their preference, we wouldn't ask them to donate at your fixed site after 4 PM during the week. Not asking donors to donate at locations that are convenient to them is a primary reason donors lapse.

The average donors annual donation frequency at 448 clients for whom we execute Lapsed->Active Campaigns increases by .5 donations per year. Keep in mind, this is achieved by recruiting lapsed (aka inactive) donors.

Our Dialing Schedule technology optimizes contact ratios by calling on predetermined schedules that call donors on different days, at varying times during the day on the schedules we set for specific phone numbers (home, cell and/or work).

Making the recruitment call and asking a donor to donate is the easy part. Ensuring you are asking the right way, at the right time, and using the right communication method is the hard part. “Contact Preferences” is all about contacting donors on their terms.

In a very short period of time, we are able to supplement collections at public mobile drives and even make recommendations for mobile drives in untapped-areas based on the Location Preference  information we gather.

Finding the right combination of being persistent, without being annoying, is challenging. Most donors don't object to persistence, but if you cross the line,  you're persona non grata. Proper record recycling ensures you don't cross the line.