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Government-led climate action is at an all-time high, from increased federal funding for industrial decarbonization to 45 states building out climate action plans and associated interventions, such as the Cap-and-Invest Program in Washington. The increased funding available and emerging regulatory pressures have contributed to industry-wide momentum towards decarbonization.
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Our growing team of respected scientists and industry experts collaborate with companies of all sizes, governmental groups, NGOs, and capital markets players on ESG, decarbonization, and policy issues—allowing us to develop high-quality, purpose-built end-to-end sustainability solutions with measurable impact. We are steadfastly committed to educating and empowering our clients, no matter where they are in their sustainability journey, to be confident in a rapidly evolving marketplace.
Effective stakeholder collaboration is essential for the cement industry to achieve its target of carbon neutrality by 2050. A collaborative effort is vital for sharing knowledge, establishing regulatory frameworks, specifications, and standards conducive to success, and eliminating obstacles to decarbonization. The Portland Cement Association (PCA) is a key example of a group that brings industry stakeholders together and facilitates productive discussions to support the sector’s growth.
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ClimeCo is a global sustainability company headquartered in Pennsylvania, with projects and partners all over the world. Our mission is to advance the low-carbon future and restore nature with market-based solutions. We offer comprehensive services spanning environmental asset innovation, ESG and climate strategy consulting, regulatory and policy advisory, environmental credits, API solutions, and climate action certification programs.
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Cement facilities can achieve significant emissions reductions by replacing clinker (the binding ingredient in Portland cement) with lower carbon-intensity binders (e.g., natural pozzolans, harvested fly ash) and displacing traditional kiln fuel with alternative fuels. Several companies are also exploring and, in some cases, implementing the use of CCUS at existing facilities. The cement sector plans to leverage all three of these solutions and more to achieve decarbonization.
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This powerful back pack sprayer has an extra large fill opening that prevents spills when adding chemicals. This sprayer also has a braided power sprayer style hose and a large poly on/off valve and is comfortable and thumb operated. This tool also has a bonus nozzle system that includes 4 different nozzles.
This powerful back pack sprayer has an extra large fill opening that prevents spills when adding chemicals. This sprayer also has a braided power sprayer style hose and a large poly on/off valve and is comfortable and thumb operated. This tool also has a bonus nozzle system that includes 4 different nozzles.
Cement companies will leverage various technologies to decarbonize, including blended cements, alternative fuels, and carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS).
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Our experts are immersed in the pulse of sustainability. Receive educational content & exclusive industry news to stay informed and make impactful decisions.
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The industry encounters numerous challenges in scaling and utilizing low-carbon technologies. The barriers to scaling include limited market awareness and acceptance of new materials, insufficient standards, high costs, and inadequate supplementary cementitious material supply. Utilization barriers include the need for further technology development and lengthy and complicated permitting. Despite these barriers, the cement sector remains steadfast in its commitment to carbon neutrality.
The IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Conference is a prestigious event that gathers cement and concrete industry professionals to collaborate, learn, and network. Our team shares their key insights from the conference below:
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This powerful back pack sprayer has an extra large fill opening that prevents spills when adding chemicals. This sprayer also has a braided power sprayer style hose and a large poly on/off valve and is comfortable and thumb operated. This tool also has a bonus nozzle system that includes 4 different nozzles.
Take your climate initiatives to new heights by collaborating with ClimeCo. Contact us at+1 484.415.0501, info@climeco.com, or through our website climeco.com.