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The Steris Medivators DSD Edge features two fully independent and asynchronous reprocessing basins designed for use in busy endoscopy facilities. The DSD Edge provides the fastest endoscope turn-around time with a reprocessing cycle as short as 25 minutes. The Edge uses a Rapicide PA high-level disinfectant, a single-use, environmentally friendly peracetic acid, which has a low disinfectant temperature eliminating endoscope cool downtime.
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Looking to sell your endoscope reprocessors? Soma ensures your facility gets top dollar for your equipment and also gives the option for trade-in credit.
The Symphony PLUS includes the initiate and maintain pumping program 2 x Pump sets with 24 mm breast shields. The 24 mm breast shield is our standard size which is suitable for the majority of women. Other shield sizes are available to purchase here: Medela PersonalFit Flex Breast Shield
We know what mothers and babies need. This is why we have developed a breastpump, in partnership with the University of Western Australia, which imitates a baby's sucking motion: the Symphony.
For a downloadable copy of the Symphony quick instructions leaflet, please click below to download the pdf (0,5 MB): Download Symphony PLUS QuickCard
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To download the full instructions for use in pdf (8 MB), click on the link below: Download Symphony PLUS Instructions for use
Soma Tech Intl offers a wide range of endoscope reprocessors. If you have any questions about any of our endoscope reprocessors or need a quick quote, call us and one of our knowledgeable sales representatives will help you.
Designed for pumping mothers to use easily and comfortably at home, PersonalFit™ PLUS rental pump sets for Symphony® are also proven to yield more milk in the same time, when compared to standard pump sets.
The Symphony PLUS hospital grade breastpump has been developed specifically to give the necessary support to mothers throughout their breastfeeding journey of pre-term and term infants: to initiate, build and maintain an adequate milk supply. Now with a NEW PersonalFit Breast Pump Kit!