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This study is focused on the effect of vibration induced by moving trains in tunnels on the surrounding ground and structures. A three-dimensional finite element model is established for a one-track railway tunnel and an adjacent twelve-storey building frame by using commercial software Midas GTS-NX (2019) and Midas Gen. This study considered the moving load effect of a complete train, which varies with space as well as with time. The effect of factors such as train speed, overburden pressure on the tunnel and variation in soil properties are studied in the time domain. As a result, the variations in horizontal and vertical acceleration for two different sites, i.e., the free ground surface (without structure) and the area containing the structure, are compared. Also, the displacement pattern of the raft foundation is plotted for different train velocities. At lower speeds, the heaving phenomenon is negligible, but as the speed increases, both the heaving and differential settlement increase in the foundation. This study demonstrates that the effect of moving train vibrations should be considered in the design of new nearby structures and proper ground improvement should be considered for existing structures.

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1, 2, 6. Reviews. There are no reviews yet. Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review. Please note, due to the continued ...

Jan 7, 2024 - Reusable Forceps/Irrigation Plug (Isolated Type) - MAJ-891.

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Шипованная зимняя шина Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000 (Бриджстоунт Айс Крузер 7000) - топовая модель шипованной резины сезона 2012 года. Она пришла на смену популярной у автолюбителей покрышке Ice Cruiser 5000. У модели 7000 модернизирована конструкция шипа - новый шип разработан и производится в Германии. Материал - алюминий, что облегчает вес шины и соответственно снижает расход топлива. Кромка шипа содержит множество граней, что позволяет шине буквально "вгрызаться" в лед. Ice Cruiser 7000 ошиповывается таким образом, что шина оставляет 16 дорожек (по сравнению с 12 дорожками у модели 5000).

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No, it is not recommended to wash the filter in your Envion air purifier. Doing so can damage the filter and impact its effectiveness. How noisy are Envion air ...

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WELCH ALLYN 4800-60, 4900-60. Stand is Used in Excellent conditions. WEIGHT N/A. COLOR WHITE. CABLE MATERIAL N/A. LENGHT N/A.

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