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Further information on help with childcare costs (including Tax Free Childcare), eligibility for 2, 3 and 4 year old funding, and to apply for the “30 Hours Funding” can be found by visiting the government’s Childcare Choices website here.
Our fees are inclusive of all meals and snacks, nappies, wipes, formula milk, outings and visits and all enrichments to the curriculum, until children are in receipt of early years funded hours.
Parents can check their eligibility and apply for this type of funding here. Please speak to the nursery manager if you are eligible for this type of funding and/or you are unable to apply online as we will be able to support you with your application.
Parents are able to access all working and income-based early years education funding entitlements at our nursery, and there is also other help with childcare costs available.
We also offer a 9% discount on our standard fees for anyone working for a 999 service, who is not eligible for the OUH discount.
Families of children receiving certain types of support and who are not eligible for the new working families 2 year old funding, may still be eligible for 15 hours funding from the term after their child turns 2.
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The 15 and 30 hours of early education are available over 38 weeks of the year. Because we are open all year round, we “stretch” the 15 or 30 hours over 51 weeks, using fewer hours per week.
Parents can apply for their funding codes via HMRC. Childcare choices is recommending to parents that they do not apply earlier than 3 months before the term in which they become eligible to avoid having to reconfirm their code prior to the relevant term starting.
We offer discounted rates for employees of Oxford University Hospitals Trust so please get in touch to request a copy if these rates will be applicable to you.
For further information about accessing your early education funding at our nursery, or to apply for a funded place, please get in touch.