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Captus 3000 measures thyroid function utilizing radionuclide uptake for data, and will be integrated with a NumaCap application that will create a complete DICOM record for each patient exam, including demographics and a secondary screen capture of the alphanumeric exam data, according to the Ramsey, NJ-based Capintec.
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Radiation measurement developer Capintec will demonstrate its Captus 3000 thyroid uptake system, which is scheduled to be integrated with software from nuclear medicine connectivity firm Numa of Amherst, NH.
The new NumaCap software will interface with a RIS or PACS and query the DICOM worklist provider to populate the Captus 3000 report with patient demographics. After a study is completed, the Numa application will export a snapshot of the test results. Completed patient DICOM files will be available for viewing on any DICOM nuclear medicine or PACS workstation, and for transmission over the hospital network or Internet, as well as to an archive using a PACS, Capintec said.
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The Captus 3000 software provides dedicated modules for thyroid uptake, wipe tests, Schilling tests, blood volume, red blood cell (RBC) survival, and bio-assay. The device also comes equipped with a "Quick Start-Up" feature that walks a user through program setup functions that help them perform patient studies quickly, and also serves as a training tool for additional users, the company said.