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What were the outcomes of this work? Since SQL Solutions Group started, we can more proactively respond to bottlenecks or other changes and challenges that impact requirements, performance and scale. SentryOne provides excellent visibility into long-running queries or other areas where we can improve enterprise applications. With SSG, we have a consistent resource that has knowledge and understanding of our environment, so if issues arise, they can quickly address them—they already know our systems.
This is part three of the blog series on following a structure when performance tuning. From the previous posts (part 1, part 2) we have
What would you tell a company that was considering using the services of SQL Solutions Group? If you’re looking for a company with SQL and reporting expertise, that is onshore, easy to work with, has good communication and solid follow through, then SQL Solutions Group would be a great choice.
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CSM helps school districts and other educational organizations maximize the benefits they are eligible to receive through the E-Rate program.
How did the project help Verathon be more competitive and/or productive? We have reassurance of the underlying health and performance of our enterprise systems and databases. With SSG handling what they do best, our full-time staff can focus on their areas of expertise, rather than forcing them to dabble as a SQL developer or administrator. Working with SSG gives us that expertise without having a “DBA” on staff. Another benefit is that they’ve helped us more effectively manage SQL Server licensing needs and hardware requirements in the enterprise. We’ve been able to consolidate so we don’t have “SQL sprawl.”
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Describe the scope of the work SQL Solutions Group undertook for Verathon. We sought out SSG because of an integration project, between SalesForce and our Epicor ERP system. The SSG team had good experience with Task Factory, which is what we selected for our integration. It allows us to maintain our APIs using a SQL resource rather than a one-off developer.
We started off with an inventory and Health Check of our environments, looking for configuration and performance issues. We also needed assistance migrating our disaster recovery strategy from co-location to the cloud. SSG also installed SentryOne for ongoing monitoring of performance and health of our production systems.
Brief description of Verathon and SQL Server usage environment: Verathon is a global leader in medical devices, primarily bladder volume measurement and airway management, in over 60 countries and regions. Our database environment currently includes both on-premise and Azure based databases that support enterprise apps, ERP, and websites.
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Why did Verathon choose SQL Solutions Group for its database needs? We needed an on-shore team with the right expertise in this space — a breadth of skillsets to support SQL and underlying reporting concepts to help us leverage datasets. We also needed a flexible model that provided on-going oversight and health checks of systems that allowed us to scale up on a monthly basis, depending on business need. SQL Solutions Group matched all these needs.
As businesses increasingly rely on data-driven decision-making, the need for robust SQL database support has never been greater. However, many companies face significant challenges in