For all other inspections (childminders, nannies and childcare on non-domestic premises that does not operate regularly), we give no more than five days’ notice. We can also inspect without notice.

Requires improvement - We usually re-inspect all childminders, pre-school provision and nursery provision within 12 months of the latest inspection.

We will usually only inspect a provider on the Childcare Register once in any 12-month period unless we receive concerns.

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We will prioritise the first inspection of newly registered providers on the Early Years Register. This will normally be within 30 months of their registration date.

For inspections of providers of childcare on domestic premises and childcare on non-domestic premises that operate regularly, we will carry out an unannounced inspection.

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We do not inspect any provider on the Childcare Register until it has been registered for at least 3 months unless we receive information about possible non-compliance.