Making the right choice of pasture seed is important and will have a long lasting impact on your immediate and future feed budget

To maintain maximum quality and palatability, keep tall fescue pastures below 10-15 cm height. Graze for short sharp intervals during establishment and avoid overgrazing. Management is important – avoid tall fescue becoming too rank, as palatability declines markedly.

MaxP® is a novel tall fescue endophyte that improves the ability of tall fescue pastures to handle pest attack and moisture stress. Unlike ryegrass endophyte, MaxP® endophyte produces a loline compound. This compound along with peramine, is likely to be a key factor in providing protection against African Black Beetle, Argentine Stem Weevil, Root Aphid and limited control of Field Cricket.

Our first sown Quantica MaxP is now 18 months old and we are very pleased with the results. Great establishment conditions throughout 2022 and now dryer conditions in the first half of 2023 have put Quantica to the test and at this stage it is delivering on all fronts. It offers both cattle and sheep producers confidence they are getting a superior fescue, that has had solid breeding and trialing prior to release.


Quantica MaxP® is a soft, finely leaved continental tall fescue selected for improved animal palatability and rust resistance. Quantica MaxP® is a deep rooted, robust, productive variety offering more persistence than perennial ryegrass and can tolerate waterlogging, salinity, pasture pests (from MaxP® endophyte), heat and some drought conditions.

Once established apply Nitrogen regularly throughout the growing season. Tall fescues have a relatively slow seedling growth compared to perennial ryegrass and are unsuitable for ryegrass mixtures.

Sow Ultrastrike® treated pasture seed in spring or early autumn at 20-25kg/ha with 15-25kg/ha Superstrike® treated clover. Sow 5-15 mm deep and avoid sowing deeper than 15mm. For best performance, ensure good soil fertility and regular Nitrogen applications throughout establishment to encourage tillering.

*FOR BAUMANOMETER MODELS * Bulb Only * This pressure source for all blood pressure instruments consists of the Baumanometer Latex bulb and Air-Flo Control *