Waves with similar wavelengths produce easily recognizable beats. Here's our tool with which you can calculate the beat frequency. And we can also quantify the performance of our waves or signals using our modulation calculator.

Wavelength is the distance between two peaks (or troughs) of a wave, and is therefore measured in meters. Due to waves coming in all shapes and sizes, the prefix associated with meters can change dramatically, from km for radio waves, micrometers for visible light (although often given in nanometers), to picometers for gamma rays.

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The best wavelengths of light for photosynthesis are those that are blue (375-460 nm) and red (550-700 nm). These wavelengths are absorbed as they have the right amount of energy to excite electrons in the plant's pigments, the first step in photosynthesis. This is why plants appear green because red and blue light that hits them is absorbed!

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Wavelength (λ) is the distance over which the shape of a wave repeats. It depends on the medium in which a wave travels. It is measured in meters.

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The wavelength calculator can assist you in determining the relationship between frequency and wavelength. Continue reading if you are here to learn how to calculate the frequency of a wave or look for the wavelength formula.

Frequency (f) and wavelength (λ) are joined by the equation fλ = c, where c is the speed of light. As the speed of light is constant, if you increase the frequency, the wavelength must decrease to maintain this equation and vice versa. This means that the relationship between frequency and wavelength is inversely proportional.

Frequency (f) of a wave refers to how many times (per a given time duration) the particles of a medium vibrate when the wave passes through it. The unit of frequency is Hertz or 1/second.

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The color of the longest wavelength that we can see is red, with a wavelength of ~700 nm. The wave with the longest wavelength, radio waves, cannot be seen by the human eye, and therefore doesn't have a color. The color of the shortest wavelength is violet, at about 400 nm.

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Wave velocity (v) is how fast a wave propagates in a given medium. Its unit is meter per second. Check the speed calculator for more information about speed and velocity.

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Remember that the frequency doesn't change when passing from one medium to another. If you are trying to solve a complex problem with more than one medium, use the wavelength formula again with the same frequency, but different velocity.

You can find a few typical wave velocity values below. Type them into our wavelength calculator to learn what is, for example, the wavelength of red light in water.
