Performs an IO action every time a property fails. Thus, if shrinking is done, this can be used to keep track of the failures along the way.

Note: for technical reasons, the test case is printed out after the property is tested. To debug a property that goes into an infinite loop, use within to add a timeout instead.

Maximum number of successful tests before succeeding. Testing stops at the first failure. If all tests are passing and you want to run more tests, increase this number.

Note: for technical reasons, the test case is printed out after the property is tested. To debug a property that goes into an infinite loop, use within to add a timeout instead.

Collects information about test case distribution into a table. The arguments to tabulate are the table's name and a list of values associated with the current test case. After testing, QuickCheck prints the frequency of all collected values. The frequencies are expressed as a percentage of the total number of values collected.

Optional; used internally in order to improve shrinking. Tests a property but also quantifies over an extra value (with a custom shrink and show function). The Testable instance for functions defines propertyForAllShrinkShow in a way that improves shrinking.

There is a default implementation for function, which you can use if your type has structural equality. Otherwise, you can normally use functionMap or functionShow.

There is a fair bit of boilerplate in the code above. We can avoid it with the help of some generic functions. The function genericShrink tries shrinking a term to all of its subterms and, failing that, recursively shrinks the subterms. Using it, we can define shrink as:

Warning: during shrinking, the I/O may not always be re-executed. Instead, the I/O may be executed once and then its result retained. If this is not acceptable, use ioProperty instead.

Checks that the values in a given table appear a certain proportion of the time. A call to coverTable table [(x1, p1), ..., (xn, pn)] asserts that of the values in table, x1 should appear at least p1 percent of the time that table appears, x2 at least p2 percent of the time that table appears, and so on.

Warning: any random values generated inside of the argument to ioProperty will not currently be shrunk. For best results, generate all random values before calling ioProperty, or use idempotentIOProperty if that is safe.

Shrink expmodsfire

Tests a property and prints the results and all test cases generated to stdout. This is just a convenience function that means the same as quickCheck . verbose.

Shrinking fun

Note: If the coverage check fails, QuickCheck prints out a warning, but the property does not fail. To make the property fail, use checkCoverage.

Note: for technical reasons, the test case is printed out after the property is tested. To debug a property that goes into an infinite loop, use within to add a timeout instead.

To generate random values of type Fun a b, you must have an instance Function a. If your type has a Show instance, you can use functionShow to write the instance; otherwise, use functionMap to give a bijection between your type and a type that is already an instance of Function. See the Function [a] instance for an example of the latter.

Generates an integral number from a bounded domain. The number is chosen from the entire range of the type, but small numbers are generated more often than big numbers. Inspired by demands from Phil Wadler.

Nondeterministic choice: p1 .&. p2 picks randomly one of p1 and p2 to test. If you test the property 100 times it makes 100 random choices.

It is worth spending time thinking about what sort of test data you want - good generators are often the difference between finding bugs and not finding them. You can use sample, label and classify to check the quality of your test data.

You should only use genericCoarbitrary for data types where equality is structural, i.e. if you can't have two different representations of the same value. An example where it's not safe is sets implemented using binary search trees: the same set can be represented as several different trees. Here you would have to explicitly define coarbitrary s = coarbitrary (toList s).

WARNING: Users working on the internals of the Set type via e.g. Data.Set.Internal should be aware that this instance aims to give a good representation of Set a as mathematical sets but *does not* aim to provide a varied distribution over the underlying representation.

Note: for technical reasons, the test case is printed out after the property is tested. To debug a property that goes into an infinite loop, use within to add a timeout instead.

The QuickCheck manual goes into detail on how to write good generators. Make sure to look at it, especially if your type is recursive!

There is no generic arbitrary implementation included because we don't know how to make a high-quality one. If you want one, consider using the testing-feat or generic-random packages.

If you are using checkCoverage as part of a test suite, you should be careful not to set certainty too low. If you want, say, a 1% chance of a false positive during a project's lifetime, then certainty should be set to at least 100 * m * n, where m is the number of uses of cover in the test suite, and n is the number of times you expect the test suite to be run during the project's lifetime. The default value is chosen to be big enough for most projects.

For example, listOf, which uses the size parameter as an upper bound on length of lists it generates, can be defined like this:

Large x: by default, QuickCheck generates Ints drawn from a small range. Large Int gives you values drawn from the entire range instead.

Generates a random element in the given inclusive range. For integral and enumerated types, the specialised variants of choose below run much quicker.

A final gotcha: we cannot define shrink as simply shrink x = Nil:genericShrink x as this shrinks Nil to Nil, and shrinking will go into an infinite loop.

Test a polymorphic property, defaulting all type variables to Integer. This is just a convenience function that combines verboseCheck and monomorphic.

For statistical reasons, checkCoverage will not reject coverage levels that are only slightly below the required levels. If the required level is p then an actual level of tolerance * p will be accepted. The default value is 0.9.

If you want to use polyQuickCheck in the same file where you defined the property, the same scoping problems pop up as in quickCheckAll: see the note there about return [].

Provides a Function instance for types with Bounded and Enum. Use only for small types (i.e. not integers): creates the list [minBound..maxBound]!

Note: If the coverage check fails, QuickCheck prints out a warning, but the property does not fail. To make the property fail, use checkCoverage.

Note: for technical reasons, the test case is printed out after the property is tested. To debug a property that goes into an infinite loop, use within to add a timeout instead.

Tests a property, produces a test result, and prints the results and all test cases generated to stdout. This is just a convenience function that combines quickCheckResult and verbose.


Note: for technical reasons, the test case is printed out after the property is tested. To debug a property that goes into an infinite loop, use within to add a timeout instead.

A special error value. If a property evaluates discard, it causes QuickCheck to discard the current test case. This can be useful if you want to discard the current test case, but are somewhere you can't use ==>, such as inside a generator.

If you want to use polyVerboseCheck in the same file where you defined the property, the same scoping problems pop up as in quickCheckAll: see the note there about return [].

Note: the bizarre return [] in the example above is needed on GHC 7.8 and later; without it, quickCheckAll will not be able to find any of the properties. For the curious, the return [] is a Template Haskell splice that makes GHC insert the empty list of declarations at that point in the program; GHC typechecks everything before the return [] before it starts on the rest of the module, which means that the later call to quickCheckAll can see everything that was defined before the return []. Yikes!

Return a value in the witnesses field of the Result returned by quickCheckResult. Witnesses are returned outer-most first.

Prints out the generated test case every time the property fails, including during shrinking. Only variables quantified over inside the verboseShrinking are printed.

Discards the test case if it does not complete within the given number of microseconds. This can be useful when testing algorithms that have pathological cases where they run extremely slowly.

Note: if the property times out, variables quantified inside the within will not be printed. Therefore, you should use within only in the body of your property.

Check that all coverage requirements defined by cover and coverTable are met, using a statistically sound test, and fail if they are not met.

You should prefer tabulate to label when each test case is associated with a varying number of values. Here is a (not terribly useful) example, where the test data is a list of integers and we record all values that occur in the list:

InfiniteList xs _: guarantees that xs is an infinite list. When a counterexample is found, only prints the prefix of xs that was used by the program.


In the following counterexample, the list must start with "bbbbbbbbbb" but the remaining (infinite) part can contain anything:

The use of ==> may skew test case distribution. We use collect to see the length of the command sequences, and tabulate to get the frequencies of the individual commands:

Test all properties in the current module, using a custom quickCheck function. The same caveats as with quickCheckAll apply.

$(polyQuickCheck 'prop) means the same as quickCheck $(monomorphic 'prop). If you want to supply custom arguments to polyQuickCheck, you will have to combine quickCheckWith and monomorphic yourself.

These functions test all properties in the current module, using Template Haskell. You need to have a {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} pragma in your module for any of these to work.

To use QuickCheck on your own data types you will need to write Arbitrary instances for those types. See the QuickCheck manual for details about how to do that.

For example, listOf, which uses the size parameter as an upper bound on length of lists it generates, can be defined like this:

That's because GHCi will default any type variables in your property to (), so in the example above quickCheck was really testing that () is equal to itself. To avoid this behaviour it is best practise to monomorphise your polymorphic properties when testing:

Shrinks the argument to a property if it fails. Shrinking is done automatically for most types. This function is only needed when you want to override the default behavior.

QuickCheck provides Arbitrary instances for most types in base, except those which incur extra dependencies. For a wider range of Arbitrary instances see the quickcheck-instances package.

Tests a property, using test arguments, and prints the results and all test cases generated to stdout. This is just a convenience function that combines quickCheckWith and verbose.

By default up to 100 tests are performed, which may not be enough to find all bugs. To run more tests, use withMaxSuccess.

Uniformly generates a fractional number. The number can be positive or negative and its maximum absolute value depends on the size parameter.

Should we replay a previous test? Note: saving a seed from one version of QuickCheck and replaying it in another is not supported. If you want to store a test case permanently you should save the test case itself.

The QuickCheck manual gives detailed information about using QuickCheck effectively. You can also try, a tutorial written by a user of QuickCheck.

The default implementation returns the empty list, so will not try to shrink the value. If your data type has no special invariants, you can enable shrinking by defining shrink = genericShrink, but by customising the behaviour of shrink you can often get simpler counterexamples.


Tests a property, using test arguments, produces a test result, and prints the results and all test cases generated to stdout. This is just a convenience function that combines quickCheckWithResult and verbose.

Each use of collect in your property results in a separate table of test case distribution in the output. If this is not what you want, use tabulate.

Used to generate a function of type a -> b. The first argument is a value, the second a generator. You should use variant to perturb the random generator; the goal is that different values for the first argument will lead to different calls to variant. An example will help:

How certain checkCoverage must be before the property fails. If the coverage requirement is met, and the certainty parameter is n, then you should get a false positive at most one in n runs of QuickCheck. The default value is 10^9.

Run a generator. The size passed to the generator is always 30; if you want another size then you should explicitly use resize.

Implication for properties: The resulting property holds if the first argument is False (in which case the test case is discarded), or if the given property holds. Note that using implication carelessly can severely skew test case distribution: consider using cover to make sure that your test data is still good quality.

The class of properties, i.e., types which QuickCheck knows how to test. Typically a property will be a function returning Bool or Property.

Ordinarily, a failed coverage check does not cause the property to fail. This is because the coverage requirement is not tested in a statistically sound way. If you use cover to express that a certain value must appear 20% of the time, QuickCheck will warn you if the value only appears in 19 out of 100 test cases - but since the coverage varies randomly, you may have just been unlucky, and there may not be any real problem with your test generation.

If you want to get the counterexample as a Haskell value, rather than just printing it, try the quickcheck-with-counterexamples package.

The standard parameters used by checkCoverage: certainty = 10^9, tolerance = 0.9. See Confidence for the meaning of the parameters.

Takes a list of elements of increasing size, and chooses among an initial segment of the list. The size of this initial segment increases with the size parameter. The input list must be non-empty.

If you want to use monomorphic in the same file where you defined the property, the same scoping problems pop up as in quickCheckAll: see the note there about return [].

Given a property, which must use label, collect, classify or cover to associate labels with test cases, find an example test case for each possible label. The example test cases are minimised using shrinking.

If all this leaves you bewildered, you might try shrink = genericShrink to begin with, after deriving Generic for your type. However, if your data type has any special invariants, you will need to check that genericShrink can't break those invariants.

...we can add a coverage requirement as follows, which checks that LogIn, LogOut and SendMessage each occur at least 25% of the time:

Test all properties in the current module. The name of the property must begin with prop_. Polymorphic properties will be defaulted to Integer. Returns True if all tests succeeded, False otherwise.

Checks that at least the given proportion of successful test cases belong to the given class. Discarded tests (i.e. ones with a false precondition) do not affect coverage.

Each use of label in your property results in a separate table of test case distribution in the output. If this is not what you want, use tabulate.

Generates an integral number. The number is chosen uniformly from the entire range of the type. You may want to use arbitrarySizedBoundedIntegral instead.

Used for random generation of functions. You should consider using Fun instead, which can show the generated functions as strings.

When you use checkCoverage, QuickCheck uses a statistical test to account for the role of luck in coverage failures. It will run as many tests as needed until it is sure about whether the coverage requirements are met. If a coverage requirement is not met, the property fails.

$forAllProperties has type (Property -> IO Result) -> IO Bool. An example invocation is $forAllProperties quickCheckResult, which does the same thing as $quickCheckAll.

genericShrink is a combination of subterms, which shrinks a term to any of its subterms, and recursivelyShrink, which shrinks all subterms of a term. These may be useful if you need a bit more control over shrinking than genericShrink gives you.

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Map a shrink function to another domain. This is handy if your data type has special invariants, but is almost isomorphic to some other type.

These types do things such as restricting the kind of test data that can be generated. They can be pattern-matched on in properties as a stylistic alternative to using explicit quantification.

To start using QuickCheck, write down your property as a function returning Bool. For example, to check that reversing a list twice gives back the same list you can write:

Generates an integral number. The number can be positive or negative and its maximum absolute value depends on the size parameter.

Invoke as $(polyQuickCheck 'prop), where prop is a property. Note that just evaluating quickCheck prop in GHCi will seem to work, but will silently default all type variables to ()!

The basic building block for Function instances. Provides a Function instance by mapping to and from a type that already has a Function instance.

There are some restrictions on command sequences; for example, the user must log in before doing anything else. The function valid :: [Command] -> Bool checks that a command sequence is allowed. Our property then has the form:

Prints out the generated test case every time the property is tested. Only variables quantified over inside the verbose are printed.

Test all properties in the current module. This is just a convenience function that combines quickCheckAll and verbose.

If you are using a recent GHC, there is a default definition of coarbitrary using genericCoarbitrary, so if your type has a Generic instance it's enough to say